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Peer-Reviewed Publications
1. “Scientology’s Legal System” (2019) 21:1 Marburg Journal of Religion 1
2The Eternal Commitment: Scientology's Billion-Year Contract” (2020) 1:2 International Journal of Coercion, Abuse, and Manipulation 82
4. Law and Green Eggs and Ham” (2020) 6:2 Anamorphosis: International Journal of Law and Literature 431
6. The Social Perils and Promise of Remote Work” (2020) 4:S Journal of Behavioral Economics for Policy 63
7. Tackling the COVID-19 Pandemic” (2020) 43:2 Manitoba Law Journal 1
8. “Incentivising Employment during the COVID-19 Pandemic” (2020) 8:3 The Theory and Practice of Legislation 355 
9. Work, Family and Identity” in Daniel Wheatley, Irene Hardill & Sarah Buglass, eds, Handbook of Research on Remote Work and Worker Well-Being in the Post-COVID-19 Era (Hershey: IGI, 2021) 329
10. Cultivating Humility” (2021) 55:3 The Law Teacher 364
11. Popping the Cap” (2021) 42:1 Health Law in Canada 14
12. Ending Poverty” [2021] Ottawa Law Review Blog
13. Free Vaccines and Lost Privileges” [2022] Ottawa Law Review Blog
14. “Echoes of Responsibility” (2023) 5:1 International Journal of Coercion, Abuse, and Manipulation 1

Articles in U.S. Law Reviews

15. Pornhub: Opening the Floodgates?, 11 Houston Law Review Off the Record 54 (2021)
16. COVID-19 and the Future of Work, Denver Law Review Forum (2021)
17. Religious Legitimacy, 90 UMKC Law Review 347 (2021)
19. Moral Panic and the War on Drugs, 20 UNH Law Review 407 (2022)
20. Trumping Dobbs, (2023) University of Illinois Law Review Online 12

Other Scholarly Publications

21. “What Is the True Purpose of Quebec's Bill 21?” (2020) 9:3 Directions 1
22. “Quelle est la réelle raison d'être de la loi 21?” (2020) 9:3 Directions 1 (written and published in French and English)
23. “Popping the Cap” [2020] McGill Journal of Law and Health Online (case comment)
24. COVID-19: Is the Cure 'Worse Than the Problem Itself'?” [2020] McGill Journal of Law and Health Online
26. “'It Doesn’t Work!': The Symbolic Aspect of Law, From the Criminal Law to Bill 21 (2020) 9:6 Directions 1 (written and published in French and English)
27. “Structural Change or Collective Amnesia?” (2020) 57:4 Alberta Law Review 1053 (book review)
28. Recension : L'action collective : ses succès et ses défis” (2020) 61:4 Les Cahiers de droit 1155 (book review)
29. Tackling the COVID-19 Pandemic: Lessons Learned and Paths Forward” (2022) 1:1 Proceedings of the Paris Institute for Advanced Study 1


Working Papers

1. “Fairer Class Action Settlements

You can also read my research statement.


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